Forbes Magazine: Forbes Has Assembled The Greatest-Ever Collection Of Business Wisdom

Forbes Has Assembled The Greatest-Ever Collection Of Business Wisdom

                This story appears in the September 28, 2017 issue of Forbes.

To celebrate a magazine which always remains a champion of the person's power, we have collected the largest collection of business essayists - 100 entrepreneurs, the vision and capitalism predictions, who have shaped the last century. And we have supplemented this A-to-Z Encyclopedia with the largest portrait portfolio in the history of the whole family, which has been taken by the stunning Martin Schuyer, who traveled for it all over the world. As a result, there is visual time capsule and master class in entrepreneurial thinking expressed in 100 anecdotes, lessons and ideas.

While Forbes takes pride in its quantitative list - adding a list of the 100 greatest business minded minds is naturally subjective, more than a dozen editors met dozens more times over two years, a The initial roster started to emerge as more than three times as much. In the end, we have kept the heirs of the entrepreneurs who have worked on the theories and the chief executive officers who have opted to retain, we were looking for those who had either done anything with lasting influence on the world Made or searched for something from above your given area. We also needed that the honors participated actively in the project - all these essays are original, the knowledge themselves from the sadhus
Although the advice is in line with the future, this list reflects the great degree, achievements of the past, for both Forbes and more business world. It was the American Century, and our roots and readers leaned in such a way that it was also a period old and white and male.

He said, the change is coming: Twenty people in the list are non-white, not twenty-five Americans, including 11 Asia, are the world's most dynamic business areas. There are ten women, and 11 are less than 50. When someone reads the issue of Forbes' 200th anniversary, I hope all these numbers will increase significantly.

This type of mobility is the life span - this is what is now relevant to Forbes because it was in 1917.
Randal Lane, editor, Forbes

Contributor: Susan Adams, Dan Alexander, George Enders, Madeleine Berg, Steven Bertoni, Abram Brown, Kathleen Chaykovsky, Keri A Dolan, Matt Drezee, Antony Gara, Jack O'Malley Greenberg, Miguel Half, Chris Hellman, Matthew Herner, Alex Conrad , Luisa Carroll, Michael Noor, Janet Novak, Randall Lane, Claire O'Connor, Michael Ozanian, Natalie Rohahd, Matt Schiffrin, Michael Solomon, Halah Tourlai, Nathan Uniform , Alexandra Wilson